Episode 1 "A Season Unlike Last Season"
Jun 17, 2015 22:00:05 GMT -5
Post by Jeff Probst on Jun 17, 2015 22:00:05 GMT -5
Episode 1
"A Season Unlike Last Season"
Nonouti: Dave, Elyse, Frosti, Gina, Na’Onka, Neleh, Shawn, Tom.
Tarawa: Angelia, Cochran, Lindsey, Matty, Nina, Parvati, Pete, Shannon.
"A Season Unlike Last Season"
Nonouti: Dave, Elyse, Frosti, Gina, Na’Onka, Neleh, Shawn, Tom.
Tarawa: Angelia, Cochran, Lindsey, Matty, Nina, Parvati, Pete, Shannon.
From an aerial view, we could see an atoll of Kiribati, followed by different spots of this magnificent location, one after the other. A copter was exploring the beautiful islands.
Jeff Probst – We are flying above Kiribati, a group of islands threatened by the rising of water!
We could see a high tide growing on the beach.
Jeff Probst – 16 Americans are about to begin the adventure of a life time!
We could see sixteen people walking along the beach, followed by a helicopter above them. One of them was an older man with silver hair.
Confessional Tom –
I want to be an asset so people don’t seem me as a liability. This is going to be intense, and I’m going to give it my all.
I want to be an asset so people don’t seem me as a liability. This is going to be intense, and I’m going to give it my all.
At the end of the line, we could see a red haired older woman.
Confessional Nina –
I feel like being the oldest I have to prove myself from the get-go. I definitively need to prove myself and make myself a key player.
I feel like being the oldest I have to prove myself from the get-go. I definitively need to prove myself and make myself a key player.
Just in front of her was a young man with brown hair.
Confessional Matty –
All I'm gonna be is be that nice "dumb" guy who everyone likes and doesn't feel threatened by. I really need to lay low and make moves only when I need to!
All I'm gonna be is be that nice "dumb" guy who everyone likes and doesn't feel threatened by. I really need to lay low and make moves only when I need to!
Another woman that appears to be in her thirties has black hair.
Confessional Gina –
I'm confident that I can outwit, outplay, and outlast the others to take home the gold.
I'm confident that I can outwit, outplay, and outlast the others to take home the gold.
The only black woman was following the group as well.
Confessional Na'Onka –
You'll see me street, you'll see me hood, and you'll see me ghetto. I don't play no childish games. Just get ready to see a season unlike last season... a season of drama by a Nubian queen.
You'll see me street, you'll see me hood, and you'll see me ghetto. I don't play no childish games. Just get ready to see a season unlike last season... a season of drama by a Nubian queen.
Jeff was still in the copter, flying above the new group of players.
Jeff Probst – For the next thirty-nine days, they will be forced to work together, creating a new society while battling the elements, and each other!
We could see a coconut tree shaking because of a strong wind…
Jeff Probst – They must learn to adapt, or they will be voted out of their tribe!
…Followed by the flashback of a violent rain.
Jeff Probst – In the end, only one will remain to claim the million dollar prize…
We could faces of players who are going to play, like a young female with blonde hair, an Asian small guy with a hat, a nerdy guy with glasses, and finally a muscled guy with curly and black hair.
Jeff Probst – Thirty-Nine days… Sixteen People…
Jeff raised his arm in the air.
Jeff Probst – ONE Survivor…!
We could see a zoom back of the copter and the landscape as background.
Everyone stopped in front of Jeff and took place on a long mat. He had a crate with buffs next to him. On each side, there was one mat: one yellow and the other one being purple. Jeff looked at them.
Jeff Probst – Welcome to Survivor: Kiribati!
Everyone was smiling.
Jeff Probst – Before we get to start the game, I need to divide you into two tribes. When I call your name, come over here!
Jeff grabbed a bunch of purple buffs.
Jeff Probst - Angelia, Lindsey, Nina, Parvati, Cochran, Matty, Pete and Shannon...
We could see their face as he called each of them.
Jeff Probst – You are Tarawa, and you wear purple!
Jeff tossed the buffs to Shannon and those who were called took place on the purple mat. Jeff then looked at those who were not called.
Jeff Probst - Elyse, Gina, Na'Onka, Neleh, Dave, Frosti, Shawn and Tom...
We could see their face one after the other.
Jeff Probst – You are Nonouti, and you wear yellow!
Jeff tossed yellow buffs to Shawn as they were going to their mat. Everyone looked at their tribe mates.
Cochran – Oh boy! Can’t wait!
Na’Onka - Nonouti… No nonsense! Let's do this.
Everyone was adding their buff anywhere on their body: on their forearms, on their head, on their neck… But all of a sudden, all turned around to Jeff who was about to announce something.
Jeff Probst - Now that you are divided into two tribes, it's time to get to...
Everyone seemed to wonder.
Jeff Probst – Your first reward challenge!
Everyone gasped.
Jeff Probst – For today’s challenge, it will be a very simple and easy challenge. There are 74 rocks and 1 flint.
We could see, in the middle of both tribes, 74 rocks around a flint.
Jeff Probst – Each tribe, turn by turn, will pick off: 1, 2 or 3 rocks.
We could see someone pick off two rocks.
Jeff Probst – You cannot pick off the flint until all rocks are gone.
We could see rocks getting picked off very fast in a fast forward until a flint remains.
Jeff Probst – Your goal, is to be the tribe that grabs the flint.
We could see someone picking the flint.
Jeff Probst – The tribe who picks that flint… wins it as their reward! Makes sense?
Everyone nods and says yea’s.
Jeff Probst – To determine which tribe picks first, you will battle at rock, paper, scissors! Then we’ll get started!
Nina looked at her tribe mates.
Nina – I can do it, unless someone is a champion at Rock, Paper, Scissors!
Cochran – I’m not really good or bad at it.
Cochran laughed as Nonouti were also whispering about the rock, paper, scissors.
Shawn – Let’s do paper.
Na’Onka – Paper it is!
We could see the sun in the sky as if the time had passed, and both Shawn and Nina were ready for the rock, paper, scissors match.
Jeff Probst – Go!
We could see them snap their fist three times and both showed paper. When they do it again, they both get rock again, followed by both rocks again.
Nina – AGAIN!?
This time, they both show scissors. We could see both tribes laughing.
Jeff Probst – Try again…
Nina shows paper and Shawn shows rock.
Jeff Probst – Challenge has begun, Tarawa can make their pick.
Cochran whispers in his tribe’s ears.
Cochran – Go for three’s until it gets low. I’d say once it gets to twenty.
Angelia nods.
Cochran – Make sure then… if they pick three, we pick three, if they pick two, we pick one.
Cochran turned around and walked to the rocks where he picked three. When Jeff looked at the other tribe, Na’Onka reached the rocks and picked two. Then Angelia picked three… and Tom three as well.
We could see a fast forward of players picking three rocks off until the amount of rocks gets lower. It was now Elyse who was wondering how many rocks to pick off. There were about seventeen left plus the flint.
She ended up picking three of them off. Then, Jeff looked at Tarawa. Cochran whispered to his tribe.
Cochran – Remember that we are counting the flint, so don’t panic if it seems off.
Matty – We need that fire.
All of a sudden, Neleh from Nonouti decided to go to the rocks and pick three of them. Na’Onka was looking at her tribe mates with a strange expression.
Na’Onka – What is Neleh doing…?
Elyse looked at her.
Elyse – I don’t know what she’s doing…
Neleh looked around herself with the three rocks in her hands. Tarawa was laughing while looking at each other. Jeff glared at her.
Jeff Probst – It is Tarawa’s turn, Neleh!
Nina reached Neleh and asked her the three rocks she had in her hands and got them for Tarawa.
Jeff Probst – NOW it is Nonouti’s turn…
Neleh picked three rocks and then we could see there were eight rocks remaining plus the flint. Nina looked at her tribe mates.
Nina – I think we are gonna win this.
We could see Nonouti speaking on their side too.
Na’Onka – That’s how it’s done!
Gina – You guys are smart!
Tom – The other tribe is probably trying to figure out how to still win.
Shawn – As long as Neleh doesn’t go we’re fine.
Neleh doesn’t seem to have heard what was just being said and looked at Tarawa who were about to make their move. Finally, Cochran picked three rocks. There were now five plus the flint.
Shawn made sure to go before Neleh and picked one, followed by Angelia who picked one as well, leaving three rocks with the flint. Both tribes seemed to be celebrating a victory. We could see Tom doing high fives to his tribe mates.
Tom – Hooray! We got it!
And Cochran was smiling at his tribe mates.
Cochran – Woohoo! Congrats guys!
All excited, Shawn picked the last three rocks, leaving the flint there alone. When back to mat, he looked at Jeff.
Shawn – The flint is our right?
Jeff Probst – No.
Na’Onka – Oh shit what?
Shawn – Wait what?
Tarawa let Cochran take the flint.
Cochran – And we take the flint!
Jeff Probst – Tarawa wins Reward!
We could see Tarawa all excited about their victory while on the other tribe, Neleh laughs and her tribe mates glared at her. Na’Onka looked at another tribe mate.
Na’Onka – I’mma break her leg.
Elyse looked at Neleh and made sure she would be listening.
Elyse – Neleh, do you even know what tribe you’re on?
Neleh – Yellow duh.
Na’Onka – Gurl, let’s not go there with the attitude.
Jeff looked at both tribes.
Jeff Probst – So here is a map to your camp…
Jeff handed a map to Nina and another to Gina.
Jeff Probst – Grab stuff, head back to camp!
Gina raised her eyes brows as she turned around to walk to camp with the rest of her tribe mates.
Confessional Gina –
Shawn just screwed up this challenge for us BIG TIME! He was so cocky and arrogant. It was just hilarious to watch Shawn talk about how smart he was and how he was going to win it for us when all along he was single-handedly leading us to disaster!
Shawn just screwed up this challenge for us BIG TIME! He was so cocky and arrogant. It was just hilarious to watch Shawn talk about how smart he was and how he was going to win it for us when all along he was single-handedly leading us to disaster!
We could see Shawn walking back to camp as she was talking about him.
Before Nonouti arrives, we could see their yellow flag planted on their beach. The tribe had just arrived. Na’Onka looked at the horizon while the rest of the tribe was gone to explore.
Confessional Na'Onka –
We f*cking lost reward. Whatever, we don’t need that shit anyways. We’ll use sticks and be real survivors.
We f*cking lost reward. Whatever, we don’t need that shit anyways. We’ll use sticks and be real survivors.
We could see Shawn already picking some wooden sticks and he just looked at Tom.
Shawn – Do you want to help me start the fire?
Tom – Sure.
Shawn – I’mma rub the sticks.
Shawn and Tom sat down to where they wanted to start the fire and we could see Shawn rubbing the sticks together in order to make fire. Shawn looked up as the whole tribe was looking at him.
Shawn – Let’s see what else needs to be done. We’ll divide up tasks.
Tom – We need wood first.
Na’Onka – I’ll get wood boos.
Na’Onka walked away and Elyse looked at Shawn.
Elyse – Should we do the fire or the shelter first?
Everyone looked at each other as they could see Neleh wandering around the woods.
Elyse – She’s never going to help…
Tom – Ugh at Neleh.
Shawn – It’s sad to say but I want her gone.
Elyse – Same here, to be honest.
Tom – I think we’re all thinking along those lines.
Tom threw away the rests of the failed fire when Neleh came to them. No one said a word anymore. Tom looked at her sitting next to Elyse.
Confessional Tom –
The one annoyance right now is Neleh. That girl doesn’t know what she’s doing around camp. She refuses to help in a productive way. She’s just gross. I don’t want anything to do with her; she’ll be the first to go.
The one annoyance right now is Neleh. That girl doesn’t know what she’s doing around camp. She refuses to help in a productive way. She’s just gross. I don’t want anything to do with her; she’ll be the first to go.
We could see clouds moving around while Nonouti were working. We could see Shawn throwing a large branch somewhere, Na’Onka coming back with a bucket of water, Elyse picking up some wood, and finally… Neleh trying to make some sort of shelter.
Na’Onka put down her bucket of water and looked at Tom, who was also looking at Neleh. She was trying to make a shelter with branches.
Gina had just arrived by behind and wondered too when she looked at Tom who just whispered.
Tom – She’s building the shelter… oh my god.
Gina – Why is Neleh doing that?
Na’Onka opened her eyes wide as we could see Neleh struggling with her small branches again.
Confessional Na'Onka –
Neleh is a stupid b*tch and I can’t stand her anorexic ass. If she even wants to come at me, I will knock her down so hard, her damn head’ll fly off. This girl is in hot water and if we end up losing soon, she’s gone. B*tch can rot.
Neleh is a stupid b*tch and I can’t stand her anorexic ass. If she even wants to come at me, I will knock her down so hard, her damn head’ll fly off. This girl is in hot water and if we end up losing soon, she’s gone. B*tch can rot.
Neleh hurts herself with the extremity of a branch.
We could see the tribe arriving at camp with their boat. Shannon stepped foot on the island first.
Confessional Shannon –
The challenge came down to calculation. When I turned to my left and saw the kid with huge zits on his face, I knew we were going to win. That red headed kid, what's his name? Cochran, yeah. And sure enough we won.
The challenge came down to calculation. When I turned to my left and saw the kid with huge zits on his face, I knew we were going to win. That red headed kid, what's his name? Cochran, yeah. And sure enough we won.
While he was talking about him, we could see Angelia and Cochran getting off the boat next.
Angelia – We did so amazing. Cochran’s math skills!
We could see Cochran’s face while Angelia was speaking her mind in confessional.
Confessional Angelia –
We won the reward challenge! Yaaay! Cochran was the mastermind behind the whole operation. He used his math skills and owned it like no tomorrow. I'm so proud of him.
We won the reward challenge! Yaaay! Cochran was the mastermind behind the whole operation. He used his math skills and owned it like no tomorrow. I'm so proud of him.
Pete just got off the boat too with the map in his hands.
Pete – We had a really smart strategy.
Cochran – If this was for immunity… I’m sure I know their first boot.
Cochran laughs outloud with Angelia, Pete and Matty. Nina looked at them then looked at the camp.
Nina – I guess we need to start working, huh?
While we could see Nina speaking without us being able to understand what she was saying and her pointing at things, but we could hear her confessing.
Confessional Nina –
I might come across as bossy to all these young people, but I firmly believe that we need someone to lead us.
I might come across as bossy to all these young people, but I firmly believe that we need someone to lead us.
Nina – I personally think we should try to get the fire first, so that we can go ahead and get some water going. What do you guys think!
Pete nodded.
Pete – No problem!
Nina looked at Pete and pointed at the woods.
Nina – Go get wood!
Nina does the same thing to Matty as that last one walks to search some wood.
Confessional Matty –
I didn't like how she told me at camp "go get some logs so we can build a shelter!" Don't boss me around, bitch... I'm the boss around here.
I didn't like how she told me at camp "go get some logs so we can build a shelter!" Don't boss me around, bitch... I'm the boss around here.
As the time was passing, we could see Angelia using the flint to make fire, Pete dropping a wooden log near the place they want their shelter, Lindsey drinking in her canteen of water while looking at them working, and finally, Shannon and Cochran helping each other to bring a large wooden log.
After Matty hit a log with his machete, we could see the sun as a transition to the other camp.
We could see a bunch of ants coming out of their anthill when the tribe had almost finished their shelter. Gina just added a leaf on top of it.
Confessional Gina –
They've spent the last hour getting wood, building a shelter, hunting, getting water... I excused myself to the bathroom and just walked around for an hour and came back and they were almost done! I chimed in to put one leaf on the shelter. Don't work harder, work smarter! Let them get their hands dirty with everything.
They've spent the last hour getting wood, building a shelter, hunting, getting water... I excused myself to the bathroom and just walked around for an hour and came back and they were almost done! I chimed in to put one leaf on the shelter. Don't work harder, work smarter! Let them get their hands dirty with everything.
Once she added the leaf, she left camp, leaving Shawn and Tom alone.
Shawn – So listen, while we got some time.
Shawn looked around himself to make sure no one was listening. We could see Na’Onka working on the water well really far away.
Shawn – You know I want to go far in this and I know you want to.
Tom – Definitely.
Shawn – So I think between you and me, we could definitely make a go at this game.
Tom – Without a doubt! That’s a great idea. Neleh will go first, probably. Then, we need two more for a majority.
Shawn – Yea, I’m thinking Na’Onka.
We could see Na’Onka finishing to put water in the bucket.
Shawn – I don’t know who else.
Tom – Elyse, maybe?
We could see Elyse walking around.
Shawn – Yea, maybe. Obviously, we have time to think about the fourth.
Tom – Sounds good. This is a good start!
Shawn nodded and Tom smiled.
Confessional Tom –
I’m really glad he made the first move in making an alliance. I want him to be the target so I can stand back, whispering in his ear what to do.
I’m really glad he made the first move in making an alliance. I want him to be the target so I can stand back, whispering in his ear what to do.
After seeing a bird flying in the sky, we could see Shawn bringing Na’Onka to Tom.
Na’Onka – Hey boos! I assume if we lose we know who to boot.
Tom – Neleh.
Shawn – Yea exactly.
Tom – Then we can swing in a fourth and have majority.
Na’Onka – Yes, we’re in a good spot already with this.
Tom – I think Elyse would make a good fourth, what do you two think?
Shawn – I like her.
Na’Onka – Me too! Gurl is fierce.
Tom – I can talk to her if ya’ll want.
Shawn – Sure.
Tom left camp and looked around for Elyse until he found her. She turned around and saw Tom.
Tom – I’m very impressed with our tribe.
Elyse – Yeah, we’re working together good.
Tom – I wanted to talk to you now while I get the chance.
Tom sat now next to her.
Tom – I was just thinking about the next few days and what would happen if we go tribal council multiple times.
Elyse acts innocently.
Elyse – Oh what were you thinking?
Tom – Well, after Neleh goes, then a four person alliance could run the tribe.
We could see Dave, Gina, Neleh and Frosti innocently doing their chores.
Elyse – That’s true, I’d definitely like to work with you.
Tom – Same here! I’ve been talking to Na’Onka and Shawn a bit as well, and they both seem like strong people too. I think the four of us could work well together.
Tom did a sign for her to follow and he brought her to Shawn and Na’Onka. When she arrived, Elyse looked at them.
Elyse – This looks like a good alliance to me.
Shawn – Absolutely.
Tom looked at them.
Confessional Tom –
We have our four people, and we’re in control. The more people watching my back instead of stabbing it, the better. My one big fear about this game thus far is that I’m coming off as either a leader or as too big of a game player. But that’s the way I play the game.
We have our four people, and we’re in control. The more people watching my back instead of stabbing it, the better. My one big fear about this game thus far is that I’m coming off as either a leader or as too big of a game player. But that’s the way I play the game.
We could see the tribe having finished their shelter. Lindsey and Parvati were already sitting inside and Nina stayed on her feet while putting her hand on the shelter.
Nina – Good team work.
Angelia – We have everything up, now we just need to maintain.
Nina – Looks like we are set for at least day one!
Pete – We’re all set for a good game.
Pete finally sat inside the shelter to rest and Nina looked at him sitting next to Angelia. Once she left camp, Pete followed her and left Angelia alone. They started talking during their walk.
Pete – I thought we had a really smart strategy for the challenge.
Nina – Yes, definitively, John shined on this one.
We could see Cochran at camp.
Pete – It’s nice to have a math nerd on our tribe.
Nina – It’ll come in handy.
Pete – It’s still early and we haven’t met everyone.
Nina – I can see myself getting annoyed with some people but I’m not too sure yet.
Pete – It’s mainly the weaks who bother me.
We could see Lindsey and Parvati in the shelter.
Pete – Or the people who are shady and try to scramble and do weird moves too early.
Nina – I know what you mean, though personally the second kind are a lot more manageable, I feel.
Pete – If someone goes to everyone and proposes a secret final two alliance, usually people compare notes and catch them.
Nina – At least with those you know they are going to dig their own grave. I’d rather have someone like that than someone who is super social and fake, and everyone loves. You know what I mean?
Pete – Yeah, those people are a lot harder to get out long-term.
Nina – Yeah, exactly. So I’d rather weed those people out.
Pete – I’m pretty down to earth and can sometimes tell when someone’s going to be like that in a game.
Nina – Yeah, I can tell, it’s a good thing.
Pete – I think you brought up some good points about going after social threats early.
Nina – Mhm, I mean better get rid of people like that before they push us to the sidelines.
Pete – I really do trust you the most at this point, and you’re the only one who has had anything REALLY INTERESTING to say so far.
Nina – I definitely trust you the most. I could see us working together in the future if things continue to go right.
Pete – I’d like to do that. I had short chats with you, Matty and Angelia so far.
Nina – I also talked to Angelia, but I’m sure everyone else did…
Pete nods.
Confessional Nina –
I planted some seeds of doubt in his mind, I talked about not trusting overly social people like Angelia, eventually he seemed to agree, which was a great thing. I think that girls days are going to eventually be numbered.
I planted some seeds of doubt in his mind, I talked about not trusting overly social people like Angelia, eventually he seemed to agree, which was a great thing. I think that girls days are going to eventually be numbered.
Pete – And yeah, Angelia seems pretty social.
Pete laughs.
Confessional Pete –
She seems interested in making an alliance and going after the strongest social players early. My gut tells me that it’s Angelia she wants to make a move against. She brought up Angelia’s name and said “I also talked to Angelia, but I’m sure everyone else did”. If Nina wants to take out the good social players, I might eventually be included as part of them when she sees how good I am with everyone.
She seems interested in making an alliance and going after the strongest social players early. My gut tells me that it’s Angelia she wants to make a move against. She brought up Angelia’s name and said “I also talked to Angelia, but I’m sure everyone else did”. If Nina wants to take out the good social players, I might eventually be included as part of them when she sees how good I am with everyone.
Pete – I think we have a good foundation here and can further develop it as the game progresses.
Nina nods and Angelia just arrived a few seconds later. Nina looked at her.
Confessional Nina –
I can see myself getting annoyed with a lot of the people already. That little broad Angelia, she is way too peppy and clearly likes the spot-light, She is going to flirt with the guys. She probably watched the last season and thinks that is the only way to make it far. Girls like that drive me insane, where is the self-respect? Where did their brains go?
I can see myself getting annoyed with a lot of the people already. That little broad Angelia, she is way too peppy and clearly likes the spot-light, She is going to flirt with the guys. She probably watched the last season and thinks that is the only way to make it far. Girls like that drive me insane, where is the self-respect? Where did their brains go?
While she was talking about her, we could see Angelia flipping a piece of hair smiling to Pete. She finally left them two alone.
Angelia – I would so love if like the strong people stuck together. I hate when the good, dedicated players go early.
Pete – I agree completely.
Angelia – You’re definitely my favorite.
Pete – You’re my favorite here so far too.
Angelia – As far as working around camp, I kind of feel like you, Nina and I are the top three.
Pete – I think so too, Shannon probably the fourth.
Angelia – I like Shannon too, he does a lot in camp.
Pete - What do you think about Nina?
Angelia – She wasn’t giving me much. The conversation was like pulling teeth. I kind of get the feeling she doesn’t like me, because she acts so reserved and distant.
Pete – Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case.
Angelia stared at Pete wanting more information.
Angelia – What do you mean?
Pete – She made an odd statement when we were going over the other people on our tribe, it was like “I talked to Angelia but she so did everyone probably…” And then she kind of implied she didn’t like overly social players.
Angelia laughs.
Angelia – That’s kind of ridiculous.
Pete – So that worries me a little about Nina.
We could see Nina testing the resistance of the shelter while they were talking about her.
Confessional Angelia –
Pete's a great guy. Interesting enough, he let me in on something. He hinted to me that Nina was implying that she didn't like overly social players and indirectly implied me as a culprit of that. What? I guess it just confirms my suspicions I had about her anyways.
Pete's a great guy. Interesting enough, he let me in on something. He hinted to me that Nina was implying that she didn't like overly social players and indirectly implied me as a culprit of that. What? I guess it just confirms my suspicions I had about her anyways.
The camera turned to the sky, where we could see a transition from day one to day two.
We could see the yellow tribe all together to read their first tree-mail of the game. It was Shawn who was reading it:
Shawn – “To assemble your victory, know your strongest swimmers in order to gather your pieces of victory in a decent order.”
Tom – Immunity Challenge time!
Tom smiled and stood up, putting his bag on his shoulder. Gina was about to stand up as well.
Gina – Is everybody ready to WIN?!
Frosti – Yes!
Frosti stood up and the whole tribe was heading to the challenge.
We could see the settlement of the challenge on a beach. There was one station for each tribe on the beach that appeared to be a puzzle table, and eight boas per tribe at different distances in the water. Nearby the mats, Jeff was waiting for the tribes.
Jeff Probst – Come on in guys!
We could see Nonouti arriving from one side and Tarawa from the other. They finally dropped their stuff on their mat, ready to hear instructions.
Jeff Probst – Welcome to your first immunity challenge! For today’s challenge, there are eight boas in the water. You must all assign yourself to one of these boas.
We could see the boas, some were closer to the beach while some were further. They all had a different distance from the beach.
Jeff Probst - On my go, one person will swim to that boa, and retrieve a puzzle bag underwater.
We could see someone diving and retrieving a puzzle bag.
Jeff Probst – Once you collected all eight, you will work together as a tribe to assemble a puzzle…
We could see people finishing the puzzle that said “Immunity!”.
Jeff Probst – First tribe to finish their puzzle… wins Immunity!
Jeff took off a blanket that covered a tiki immunity idol.
Jeff Probst – Have this in your hands, and your tribe will be safe! Makes sense?
Everyone nod and says “yea”.
Jeff Probst – Take a spot, we’ll get started!
They were now ready, and we could see Matty for Tarawa and Na’Onka for Nonouti.
Jeff Probst – Survivors Ready!? GO!!!
Both of them were running as fast they could, in direction of the water. They were pretty equal but Na’Onka reached the water first and started swimming.
When Matty was almost arrived to his boa, Na’Onka had just retrieved her bag and was now swimming back.
Jeff Probst – Na’Onka now heading back with the first bag!
Matty just got his.
Jeff Probst – Matty also heading back!
Jeff Probst was walking while yelling as usual. Na’Onka arrived first and dumped her bag.
Jeff Probst – Nonouti got their first bag! Tarawa gotta pick it up!
We could see Matty almost arriving when Gina was now running. Matty stepped foot on the beach but when he put his bag down, Gina was almost arrived to her boa and Angelia was trying to catch up.
Jeff Probst – Let’s go!
Gina just retrieved the bag and resurfaced with it. Angelia was almost arrived and Gina was now heading back with hers. When she was half way back, Angelia just retrieved her bag. We could see that Angelia was swimming way faster than Gina because even though she arrived first, Angelia was right behind her.
Jeff Probst – Angelia made a lot of progress!
They almost dumped their bags at the same time and Gina just tagged Tom who ran right away.
Jeff Probst – Tom now going for Nonouti!
Pete was trying to run faster than Tom but they were neck to neck until they reached water where Pete took the lead. Later on, Pete retrieved his bag first and swam back, followed by Tom who also retrieved his. He was half way back when Pete had already put his bag down.
Jeff Probst – Tarawa now with five bags left!
Parvati headed to the water. She started swimming and a moment later, Tom just finished his part to let Shawn go.
Jeff Probst – Shawn’s gotta pick it up!
Parvati was very far in the water when Shawn put feet in water. He was half way to his boa when Parvati just resurfaced with a puzzle bag. She was swimming back slower and Shawn just got his bag and kept swimming faster and faster until he eventually reaches her, but didn’t take the lead as she arrived on the beach.
Jeff Probst – Neck to neck again!
Shawn just put his bag down when Lindsey already landed in the water. Frosti was going there too. Lindsey arrived to her bag first and untied it from the boa. Just a few seconds later, Frosti took his. They stayed neck to neck the whole course until they let Cochran and Elyse go.
Jeff Probst – Just three bags left now!
Cochran ran to the water faster but slowed down in the swimming, being caught up by Elyse. They’ve been pretty neck to neck until the boa but Elyse was slightly ahead as she arrived to her bag first. Cochran quickly untied his but Elyse couldn’t untie hers, which let Cochran ahead on her.
Jeff Probst – The lead keeps shifting!
When Elyse finally got the bag, she was heading back trying to take the lead back on Cochran, which happened when they were almost arrived to the beach. Nina and Dave were now going.
Jeff Probst – Dave and Nina are going to go for the one the last two bags!
They both ran to the water and Nina had a bit of a lead in the beginning that she lost quickly. When they were near their boa, we could see Neleh rushing to the water. We could see the water splashing to her legs as Jeff pointed at her and yelled.
Jeff Probst – NELEH, GET OUT OF THE WATER! Wait your turn!
Her tribe looks annoyed as she went back to them, leaving Dave retrieve the bag and swim back with it. Nina was taking a long time to arrive to her boa and Dave had a huge lead on her. She retrieved her bag and almost right after, Dave stepped foot on the beach.
Nina was heading back and Nonouti’s fate was all in Neleh’s hands who was heading to the water, walking. She put her feet in the water and seemed worried about it. Nina was still making progress.
Na’Onka – Let’s go ya’ll!
Neleh finally got herself into the water and all we could see was her head floating. She was struggling trying to swim and we could see her moving her arms around in the water, as it got into her mouth. She had to spit a few times.
Jeff Probst – Neleh, really slowing down her tribe! Tarawa are about to get back where they were at!
Nina had just arrived and dumped her bag to let Shannon go.
Jeff Probst – This is between Neleh and Shannon for the last bag!
Shannon was swimming fast towards the boa and reached it in very little time, while Neleh was still standing in the same spot, incapable of moving forward. After he got his bag, Shannon swam back just as fast as he went and arrived in no time, landing the last bag to his tribe.
Jeff Probst – Tarawa can now work on the puzzle!
Nonouti didn’t look happy at all, glaring at Neleh in the water. We could see Tarawa making quick work of their puzzle, some members working on the corners, others on the edge and others with the word “Immunity!” Neleh finally got her head into the water and resurfaced immediately, spitting more water.
Neleh – Fuck that.
Matty just put in the last piece.
Jeff Probst – Tarawa wins Immunity!
Angelia – YAY!
Matty – WOO!
Jeff looked at Neleh who had difficulty coming back.
Jeff Probst - Someone should go grab Neleh before she drowns herself!
Tom - You can just leave Neleh there. No worries.
Nonouti were not celebrating at all, as Jeff was handing the immunity idol to the Tarawa tribe and looked at Nonouti when Neleh was back.
Jeff Probst – Nonouti, one of you will be going home tomorrow night, see you at tribal. Grab stuff, head back to camp!
Both tribes were heading back to camp, and we could see Matty still looking at Neleh.
Confessional Matty –
SHE DROWNS. And nobody cares, not a single person gave shit what happened to her! She was so like forever alone! After we won, Jeff asked people to get her out though, haha, Neleh fail! It won’t be a shocker if we don’t see her at the next challenge.
SHE DROWNS. And nobody cares, not a single person gave shit what happened to her! She was so like forever alone! After we won, Jeff asked people to get her out though, haha, Neleh fail! It won’t be a shocker if we don’t see her at the next challenge.
The tribe was back to camp with their immunity idol. They dumped their bag somewhere and took place around their fire and in their shelter. Angelia sat on the corner of the shelter.
Confessional Angelia –
Winning Reward and then Immunity all in the first week is amazing. I can't even begin to explain how good it feels! The fact that we're safe, have the luxury of flint, and can go into next round with our heads held high is just incredible.
Winning Reward and then Immunity all in the first week is amazing. I can't even begin to explain how good it feels! The fact that we're safe, have the luxury of flint, and can go into next round with our heads held high is just incredible.
Matty – Awesome, thanks Neleh!
Angelia laughs out loud.
Angelia – Love her.
Matty – Yes, I adore her right now, I wanna make out with her for doing that.
Angelia laughs out loud.
Matty – Neleh fainted? I think cause she already started, it means she drowned during the challenge?
Angelia laughs out loud again.
Angelia – We own.
We could see their immunity idol one more time as we could see most of the other tribe mates getting to work, which left only Angelia and Matty at camp.
Angelia – You, Pete and I are the most consistent.
Matty – And Nina wasn’t nice.
Angelia reacts.
Angelia – She wasn’t nice to you either?
Matty – Ya, she’s rude… but you and Pete…
Matty winks and Angelia laughs.
Angelia – I thought that was just me. Nina is scary. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells when I talk to her. Like, I’m going to say the wrong thing or something.
Matty laughs loudly.
Matty – She’s ugly.
Angelia laughs back.
Angelia – If we have a jumping challenge, she’ll probably face plant.
Matty laughs.
Matty – We got our hot four.
Angelia – Yess.
Matty – Where would she fit in that? NO WHERE.
Angelia – Not even close! We should definitely make it official or something though. You, me and Pete. And Shannon as a fourth? That’s half the tribe!
Matty – Yes Shannon is awesome. He kicks ass in camp and challenges, I think us four would do some serious damage.
Angelia – The fact that he’s doing stuff, unlike Parvati and Lindsey, says a lot about him.
Matty – Yess, Lindsey and Parv will be easy boots!
Eventually, Pete came around, adding himself to the conversation. Angelia looked at Pete then Matty.
Angelia – We, right here, need to stick together. Shannon can be our fourth vote?
Pete – Let’s do that.
Angelia – We’re the four hardest workers.
Matty – I see Lindsey/Parv going first.
Angelia – Yep, most definitely.
Pete – Yeah, Lindsey hasn’t said anything in days.
Angelia – And we’ll control the rest of the votes after that.
Matty – And as I told Angie, I didn’t get along with Nina at all.
Pete reacts.
Pete – Me too! She’s really weird.
Angelia - She’s going to be so annoying down the line. I can just see it.
Confessional Angelia –
Myself, Pete and Matty, we’re sure to make an impact on this tribe. This kind of reminds me of Sugar, Nate and that whole alliance last season. If we follow in their footsteps, I’m definitely the Sugar Kiper, and I’ll be crowned the winner.
Myself, Pete and Matty, we’re sure to make an impact on this tribe. This kind of reminds me of Sugar, Nate and that whole alliance last season. If we follow in their footsteps, I’m definitely the Sugar Kiper, and I’ll be crowned the winner.
We could see Pete looking at his alliance mates.
Confessional Pete –
I'm really, really happy that I'm now in a solid alliance with people who I like. I do think we'll be the last four members standing of Tarawa.
I'm really, really happy that I'm now in a solid alliance with people who I like. I do think we'll be the last four members standing of Tarawa.
We could see their immunity idol one more time before we get to change camp.
We could tell that the tribe was not happy at all. All of them were sitting at camp, staring at the ground in silence because Neleh was there. She broke the silence.
Neleh – Sorry, not the best swimmer.
Shawn – That’s ok, you won’t be here after tribal.
We could see some people hiding a smile, like Elyse.
Confessional Elyse –
Ok, so basically this tribal council should be soooooooooo easy. Neleh is worthless, can't even give an excuse, and then just says "oh I'm bad at swimming challenges?" Um... no.
Ok, so basically this tribal council should be soooooooooo easy. Neleh is worthless, can't even give an excuse, and then just says "oh I'm bad at swimming challenges?" Um... no.
Shawn – Someone has to be honest with you and the fact is you’re the one leaving tonight with a majority vote.
Neleh doesn’t reply and just walks away. Once she’s gone, Tom spoke first.
Tom – Neleh screwed us…
Everyone nods.
Tom – She’s getting voted off first.
Gina – Neleh literally abandoned us.
Tom – Didn’t she say “fuck that” or something?
Shawn – Yea.
Elyse – Oh wow.
Shawn – Neleh is going first.
Tom – Hopefully we can pull out two wins in the next round. Now that we’re all here, there’s no debate.
Frosti was staring at him.
Confessional Frosti –
I’m a little jealous right now, Neleh is being the way that I wanted to be in this game. She’s doing fabulous at being the total joke in the cast. No one takes her seriously. Neleh’s antics at immunity were funny. Harmless.
I’m a little jealous right now, Neleh is being the way that I wanted to be in this game. She’s doing fabulous at being the total joke in the cast. No one takes her seriously. Neleh’s antics at immunity were funny. Harmless.
Frosti – We had a big deal before Neleh’s turn.
Shawn picks up the machete next to him.
Shawn – Going to kill Neleh, be right back.
Tom – Make sure you do it downstream so her blood doesn’t get into our water supply.
Shawn nods.
Shawn – Got it.
Shawn then disappeared in the woods. We could see a spider working on her spider web when later on, Tom was talking in private to Tom.
Frosti – If Neleh wasn’t so craaazy we’d have a win probably.
Tom – Probably, I know I’m writing her name down at tribal council, I don’t know about the rest.
Frosti – I was just thinking we gotta restrain her for tomorrow.
Tom – I know it’s early, but you wouldn’t mind aligning between the two of us? Just so we have someone to watch each other’s backs?
Frosti – Ya! That’s my first alliance and I’d love it!
Tom – Same here! Great! It’s just nice to know someone is watching my back in case something happens.
Frosti – Good to have someone to watch your back this early.
Tom – Very.
Confessional Tom –
Frosti wants alliances as well, so he can be our number five in case someone does something stupid. I'm suggesting a two way alliance between him and me, just as a little insurance. I only have a better shot of safety.
Frosti wants alliances as well, so he can be our number five in case someone does something stupid. I'm suggesting a two way alliance between him and me, just as a little insurance. I only have a better shot of safety.
Frosti looks around him.
Confessional Frosti –
Tom and I are watching each other's backs. That’s the only thing I got going right now.
Tom and I are watching each other's backs. That’s the only thing I got going right now.
The sun settled down and it came back later for the third day.
It was raining just a little bit and we could see Neleh standing behind Na’Onka who was cooking.
Neleh – You’re a slave.
Na’Onka turned around immediately.
Na’Onka – Rot in a hole, you skinny little bitch.
Rather than replying, Neleh glared at the sack of beans.
Confessional Neleh –
Why should I do any work if they're gonna vote me off? There might be a way to sabotage.
Why should I do any work if they're gonna vote me off? There might be a way to sabotage.
She kicked it, and all the beans spilled on the ground. Dave, who came by just at time, started protecting the beans from getting stomped and Neleh just kept trying to spill those more and more. He was trying to put them back in the bag.
Dave – What a bitch?
Neleh laughs and continues to empty the bag of beans.
Na’Onka – F*** off, you anorexic bitch!
Na’Onka grabbed her so she would stop spilling the beans while Dave put them back in the bag. Neleh was trying to get away from Na’Onka but she gets shoved by her.
Na’Onka – Gurl, we can go all night.
Elyse came to help Dave to put the beans back in the bag and they were almost done.
Na’Onka – Call me a “slave” again, Neleh, and see what happens to you.
Neleh – Shut up Na’Onka, you slave! F*** you, Tom, F*** you, Na’Onka!
Tom – Get off our island.
Neleh – Shut up Tom, you’re getting a vote from me for tribal council! I hate my tribe.
Neleh finally stopped and walked away and we could see the tribe trying to find somewhere to hide the bag of beans. We could see Na’Onka pointing a spot.
Confessional Na'Onka –
Neleh trying to sabotage us, our beans, she’s trying to waste them! Those are our back up beans, ya’ll! We’ll ned those if we can’t collect enough food in a day, and this little whore is trying to use them all up. Next time you try to mess up our food supply, I’ll throw your raggedy ass in the ocean, and attempt to drown you. You don’t play with Nay, and you don’t play with Nay’s food, Fo’real.
Neleh trying to sabotage us, our beans, she’s trying to waste them! Those are our back up beans, ya’ll! We’ll ned those if we can’t collect enough food in a day, and this little whore is trying to use them all up. Next time you try to mess up our food supply, I’ll throw your raggedy ass in the ocean, and attempt to drown you. You don’t play with Nay, and you don’t play with Nay’s food, Fo’real.
Further away, Neleh was walking alone on a road.
Confessional Neleh –
Man, my tribe will suck. No one talk to me, no one will get ahold of me, I hate my tribe! I will try make an alliance. These people are playing with fire!
Man, my tribe will suck. No one talk to me, no one will get ahold of me, I hate my tribe! I will try make an alliance. These people are playing with fire!
The first person she meets on her way is Shawn and she stopped him.
Neleh – I’m voting Tom off.
Shawn doesn’t reply and continues to walk, letting Neleh alone in her scrambling.
Confessional Shawn –
So I’m talking to Neleh just before the vote and she comes up to me and just blankly says “I’m voting Tom out.” How stupid can a person be.
So I’m talking to Neleh just before the vote and she comes up to me and just blankly says “I’m voting Tom out.” How stupid can a person be.
The next person she meets is Elyse.
Neleh – Elyse, I need you.
Elyse turns around.
Confessional Elyse –
Now she’s asking for help saying she needs me. I don’t even know if that deserves a response. I guess I should just so I can see what excuses she comes up with.
Now she’s asking for help saying she needs me. I don’t even know if that deserves a response. I guess I should just so I can see what excuses she comes up with.
Elyse – What’s up?
Neleh – Let’s make an alliance. I have no one.
Elyse – Aww, I’m sorry, have you talked to anyone else yet?
Neleh – Not about alliance, I don’t wanna be first out, I’m loyal.
Elyse – Well, I won’t lie to you, I have heard your name come up. I think you might be going tonight.
Neleh – We had no chance, I don’t wanna goo. Please.
Elyse – Well you seem like you’d be loyal, but I don’t think you could get the votes. There’s a lot of people mad at you.
Neleh – Let’s vote together we can be a solid factor. Oh well, alliance will be stronger. Just now. I need you Elyse.
Elyse – I’ll think about it. I’ll see if I can talk to anyone else and see what they say.
Neleh – Who would be tight with us? I’m telling, keeping me in will openly make me more of a treat, less blood on your hands, seriously Elyse.
Elyse – Who else we could trust?
Neleh – We only need four votes for a tie, five for lead, unless people vote differently. Look, don’t you have like two people you can trust? We can have the upper hand. And watch it go down, just now.
Elyse – I think it would work.
Neleh – We could make it work and be the last from our tribe.
Elyse nods, and we could now see Neleh sitting next to Frosti in the shelter. He was looking at her as the tribe was about to head to tribal.
Confessional Frosti –
I like to think the way she is acting is an act. I think she will be the first boot… I want her around. I might just find a way to keep her. She was going after Tom, I think Tom is lying and has more alliances than just mine so Neleh had a point.
I like to think the way she is acting is an act. I think she will be the first boot… I want her around. I might just find a way to keep her. She was going after Tom, I think Tom is lying and has more alliances than just mine so Neleh had a point.
One by one, the tribe each grabbed their bag and were slowly walking along the beach in direction of tribal council. They had no torch in hand.
The sun was settling down slowly until the sky became dark and filled with stars. The tribal council was a group of bungalows built on stilt joined by bridges and a fire in the middle. Everyone arrived in a straight line where Jeff was waiting for them.Jeff Probst – Behind each of you is a torch, go ahead and grab a torch, approach the flame, dip it in and get fire.
While Jeff was explaining the ritual, we could see Na’Onka taking a torch and Gina dipping hers in the fire.
Jeff Probst – This is part of the ritual of tribal council, because in this game, fire represents your life…
Shawn dipped his torch in fire.
Jeff Probst – As long as you have fire, you’re still in the game, when your fire’s gone, so are you.
Frosti just put his torch on a hold.
Jeff Probst – Get fire and take a seat.
Na’Onka finally sits, followed by Tom.
Jeff Probst – Na’Onka, most of you have seen this show before, here you are, experiencing what past players have been gone through, how does it feels? Was that what you expected?
Na’Onka – It rained all dayum day, Jeff. Today was the day that it hit me… this is SURVIVOR. We are facing the elements and the game gets harder from here on out. But then you got dumbasses like Neleh over here…
Na’Onka flips her hair and we could see Neleh.
Na’Onka – And they’re trying to sabotage our food supply on top of it all. There were so many times where I just wanted to drag her ass and throw her in the fire.
Gina smiles.
Gina – Amen, Na’Onka.
Shawn claps and Jeff reacts.
Jeff Probst – This is a big statement! So what happened at camp?
Na’Onka – The girl goes to our beans and tries to spill em all. SHE TRIED TO EAT THEM ALL. We need that food as back up if we can’t collect the right amount of food each day. And she knew she was going… so she thought she’d be all big and bad and try to make a statement. Uh no, b*tch, not on my watch. Her skinny little ass got handed to her.
Tom – Yeah, and then, a lot of us tried to prevent her from doing that, and we got in a mild fight.
Jeff Probst – So Tom, how does the tribe perceive her now?
Tom – The polite thing to say would be that no one likes her. The truth is that she’s probably the most hated person in the game. She sucks at the challenge, tries to spill our beans, then has the nerve to go around and try and get me voted off. She’s certainly no friend of mine, nor anyone else’s.
Frosti looks at him.
Jeff Probst – Frosti, other than that event, how has your camp life been doing since you’ve arrived?
Frosti – It’s been real good other than Neleh, Jeff. We all do our share of work and got the shelter built and fire started the first night. Everyone gets along.
Jeff Probst – Does everyone pull their weight? Anyone does less, or more than the others?
Frosti – Everyone I’ve noticed pulls their weight. I don’t see anyone doing a lot more or a lot less than anyone else.
Jeff Probst – Shawn, how tight is this group? Would it stick together down the merge as it is now? All seven of you that will remain after this vote?
Shawn – Oh absolutely. We all talk to each other right now. We’ll see how it goes.
Jeff Probst – Gina, once you guys are done with this vote, what’s going to happen? Any lines drawn in the sand?
Gina – Once we are done with this vote, we are gonna kick the other tribe’s ass!
Dave – Mhmmm
Jeff Probst – What if you had to re-vote right after tonight’s vote? What’s happening? Would you feel safe?
Everyone gasps, and looks worried. Jeff looks confused.
Gina – If I had to revote again, I would vote for Neleh’s corpse, cause even if she ain’t talking that bitch is hella annoying.
Jeff Probst – Elyse, what about you? To what degree do you trust your tribe mates at this point of the game?
Elyse – Right now, I trust everyone because I have no reason not to.
Jeff Probst – Dave, are you voting the same way everyone appears to be?
Dave – Yeah, I’m voting out Neleh. The bitch is strange, Neleh came to me today, and asked if I would vote with her, she appeared to be under the influence of some kind of drug, or substance.
Neleh doesn’t react.
Jeff Probst – And Na’Onka, how do you feel about the other tribe? Do you think this group can beat them next time?
Na’Onka – They wouldn’t have won if it weren’t for the saboteur. They got LUCKY. If they think they had it won without these shenanigans last night, they are sadly mistaken and they going to see that when we meet again on the challenge field.
Jeff Probst – Alright, we’ve heard enough… It is… time to vote! Na’Onka, you’re up!
Na’Onka flips hair and walks to podium, followed by Dave and Gina. We could see Tom writing down Neleh’s name. He put it in the urn and Neleh wrote Tom’s name. Elyse grabbed the pencil, but we can’t see who she votes for, same with Shawn and Frosti. Jeff looked at Frosti coming back.
Jeff Probst – I’ll tally the votes…
We could see Neleh and Tom while he was taking the urn and coming back with it. He put his hand on the top of the urn, about to open it.
Jeff Probst – Once the votes are read, decision is final, person voted out will be asked to leave tribal council immediately… I’ll read the votes…
Jeff took the cap off and took the first vote.
Jeff Probst – First vote…
Jeff Probst – That’s 1 vote for Neleh.
Jeff Probst – That’s 2 votes Neleh.
Jeff Probst – That’s 3 votes Neleh.
Jeff Probst – We have 1 vote Tom... and 3 votes Neleh.
Na’Onka rolled her eyes.
Jeff Probst – One more Neleh and she is out.
We could see Tom crossing his fingers.
Jeff Probst – And the 1st person voted out of Survivor: Kiribati…
We could see Dave smiling with Shawn.
Tom – Phew.
Neleh looked at her tribe.
Neleh – Really everybody?
Everyone laughs outloud.
Neleh – Why me? Why?
Everyone laughs again as she stood up.
Neleh – Please vote out Tom next.
Jeff Probst – Neleh, leave tribal council now. You are out.
Neleh – Bye bitches.
Neleh grabbed her torch and put it in front of Jeff. Before she gets her torch snuffed, she turned around to the tribe.
Neleh – N***** slave b*tch f**k you Na’Onka and f**k you Tom.
Jeff glared at her and swings his torch snuffer.
Jeff Probst – Neleh, tribe has spoken!
On her way out, Neleh was yelling.
Neleh – Backstabbers, f*** off! I’m Neleh! F*** you all bitches! Vote Tom out next!
She finally was so far away that nobody could hear her anymore and Jeff turned around to the tribe.
Jeff Probst – Now that you came to tribal, here is your flint to make fire!
Elyse – Oh yay!
Jeff tossed a flint to Dave.
Jeff Probst – Looks like this unanimous decision is a great sign of team work! We’ll see for how long that is going to last… Grab torches, head back to camp!
We could see everyone leaving tribal council with their torches.
Final Words Neleh –
Wow what a time. Can’t believe I was first boot, I hate Na’Onka and Tom. My crazy tribe they’re all looking down hill now we got big bad Tom more like a old man he is the leader and then we get his two pawns Shawn and Gina they’re so loyal to him they wouldn’t switch their votes they’re very loyal to Tom. The next two people to go are David and Na’Onka, they’re floater of this tribe and don’t know what’s best for them, hahahaha. Anyways, I’m Neleh bitches!
Wow what a time. Can’t believe I was first boot, I hate Na’Onka and Tom. My crazy tribe they’re all looking down hill now we got big bad Tom more like a old man he is the leader and then we get his two pawns Shawn and Gina they’re so loyal to him they wouldn’t switch their votes they’re very loyal to Tom. The next two people to go are David and Na’Onka, they’re floater of this tribe and don’t know what’s best for them, hahahaha. Anyways, I’m Neleh bitches!
While Neleh was telling her final words, we could see who everyone voted for.Tom – Neleh.
Na’Onka – Neleh.
Neleh – Tom.
Gina – Neleh.
Dave – Neleh.
Elyse – Neleh.
Shawn – Neleh.
Frosti – Neleh.